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Here’s 10 Tips to Help You Cope With Anxiety As Life Returns to Normal

Pink leaved tree with text Here’s 10 Tips to Help You Cope With Anxiety As Life Returns to Normal

Life is beginning to return to normal after millions of Americans have spent the last couple of months cooped up indoors. Restaurants, bars, and beaches are opening. Social distancing requirements are being relaxed. And people can finally enjoy each other’s company outside of a virtual call. But for many, the stress of this experience will last long after the coronavirus pandemic. That’s why we’re here to provide 10 tips to help you cope with stress as life returns to normal. For assistance dealing with feelings of stress, panic, or dread, schedule an appointment for anxiety treatment in Wesley Chapel with Maulik K. Trivedi, M.D., and his team. 

1. Take Breaks from the News

This tip may seem impossible. Even when you’re not glued to your phone, you’re never that far away from a computer or television screen that’s blasting the latest bad news. Even if it’s just for a half-hour a day, unplug from your phone and relax. Your brain will thank you for it. 

2. Reach Out to Friends and Family  

No one wants to be the one to reach out first, but sometimes it has to be you. Take this time to reach out to friends and family members whom you may have not heard from in a while. You never know when someone could be in desperate need of good conversation. 

3. Yoga

Yoga is incredibly beneficial for mitigating stress. Not only does it relax the muscles through controlled breathing, but it also increases blood circulation to critical areas of the brain that control our body’s stress response. Don’t believe us? Read more about it here

4. Give Yourself a Present

“I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen.” This gem from Dale Cooper from the TV show Twin Peaks may come from an unlikely source, but we couldn’t agree more with the sentiment. 

5. Plan Your Day 

Poor time management can be a big source of stress. The ongoing pandemic may limit what you can do, but it doesn’t mean you can’t plan your day and make the most of it. Even if you’re stuck at home, there are endless possibilities for using time wisely, bettering yourself, and staying entertained. 

6. Accept the Things You Cannot Change

The serenity prayer goes something like this, “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” During this time of uncertainty, when so many things feel out of our control, it’s important to focus on ourselves and accept that the pandemic is beyond any one person. 

7. Meditate

Continuing with the theme of the previous tip, mediation can be used to self-reflect and achieve mental clarity. If you find your mind racing, taking time to meditate can train your mind and body to better respond to stressors — one of the reasons we offer it for anxiety treatment in Wesley Chapel

8. Kick a Bad Habit 

Often, the things we use to cope with stress can end up exacerbating the problem. Smoking and drinking, in particular, are go-to stress relievers that have detrimental effects on a person’s mental and physical wellbeing. If you can’t cope with stress without lighting a cigarette or pouring a drink, it may be time to kick the habit.

9. Exercise

As written on by Psychology Today, regular exercise reduces anxiety. Mentally, it’s beneficial for self-efficacy. Physically, it positively affects neurotransmitters that affect anxiety. Even with gyms closed, there is an endless number of exercises you can perform at home or outside. 

10. Talk to a Mental Health Professional 

The tips on this list will surely help with mild anxiety brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. However, moderate or severe cases of anxiety may not improve even after life returns to normal. If you find your symptoms of irritability, impaired concentration, worry, racing thoughts, or restlessness continuing to impair your life, it’s time to schedule an appointment for anxiety treatment in Wesley Chapel. Dr. Trivedi and his team are adept at listening to patients and finding the root of the problem. Don’t let your anxiety get the best of you. Schedule an appointment for anxiety treatment and help your own life return to normal.

Schedule a consultation for depression treatment in Wesley Chapel today!


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The content, views, and opinions communicated on this website do not represent the views of Maulik K. Trivedi, M.D. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. Although this website contains links to other medical websites, this is strictly for informational purposes. Maulik K. Trivedi, M.D. is not responsible nor do they approve of the content featured on any third party linked websites referenced on this website.

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